Ranunculaceae |
![]() Ranunculus poluninii DAVIS |
![]() Ranunculus poluninii DAVIS |
Ranunculus L. |
R. poluninii Davis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 23: 133, t. 7 (1960). Figures 3, 5, pp. 157, 173. Tall, very glaucous, glabrescent perennial, 50-60 cm. Rhizome with a silky collar. Stems 12-15-fiowered. Leaves similar to R. kurdica. Sepals reflexed. Petals12-13 mm. Achenes semicircular, compressed, c. 3.5 mm, pilose, with a prominent nerve parallel to the margin; beak uncinate, 1-1.5 mm. Fl. 8. Type: Turkey B9 Bitlis: d. Kotum, Karz Da. above Kamer, 2300 m, in limestone ravine, Davis & O. Polunin (D. 24596, holo. E!, iso. K! BM!). Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Despite its reflexed sepals and hairy achenes, this species (only known from the type gathering) is probably more closely allied to R. diversifolius than to R. trichocarpus. |