Rosaceae |
![]() Potentilla argentea L. |
![]() Potentilla argentea L. |
![]() Potentilla argentea L |
Potentilla L. |
P. argentea L., Sp. PL 497 (1753). Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 25: t. 23 (1910). Erect or ascending, tomentose perennial, 8,-50 cm. Leaves digitate; leaflets usually 5, cuneate to obovate, 10-30 x 5-12 mm,'incised-dentate to pinnatifid, densely tomentose beneath, sparsely pubescent, green above. Inflorescence a terminal cyme. Epicalyx segments linear-oblong. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 2-5 mm. Petals yellow, obcordate, 3.5-5 mm, usually longer than sepals. Achenes rugulose; style subterminal, conical and papillose below. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, pastures, 1100-2400 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Linn. 655/16, photo!). N. & E. Turkey. A1(E) Kırklareli: c. 15 km W. of Iğneada, K. Bauer & Spitz. 2622! A2(A) Bursa: Uludağ, Diktekir, 28 vii 1944, Heilbronn! A4 Kastamonu: 30 km S. of Kastamonu, 1300 m, Sorger 69-13-105! A6 Samsun: Nebyan Da., 1100 m, Tobey 354! A7 Giresun: below Tamdere, 1600 m, D. 20641! A9 Kars: Kisir Da. above Susuz, 2000 m, D. 30512! B8 Erzurum: 5 kmN. of Hinis, 1650 m, D. 46290! B9 Ağri: E. side of Tahir Pass, 19 km from Eleşkirt to Horasan, 2400 m, D. 47087! B10 Kars: Aralik, Ağri Da. at Serdar Bulak, 2300 m, D. 46929! Europe, Caucasia, Iran, N. & C. Asia, N. America. A very variable species in density of indumentum and shape and size of leaflets. The following specimens differ in their taller stems, larger leaves and very dense indumentum: A4 Ankara: Kizilcahamam, Alis Da., 1250 m, Khan et al. 573! B7 Tunceli: Hozat-Ovacik, 2000 m, D. 31096! B9 Bitlis: d. Kotum, Karz Da. above Kemer, 2200 m, D. 24575! The possibility that these have arisen through introgression between P. argentea and the closely allied P. meyeri cannot be ruled out. In Europe the P. argentea group is known to be a polyploid complex whose members may be either amphimictic or apomictic (cf. Fl. Europaea 2:41, 1968). |