Salicaceae |
Salix triandra L. subsp. triandra |
Salix triandra L. subsp. triandra |
Salix triandra L. subsp. triandra |
Salix triandra L. subsp. triandra |
Salix triandra L. subsp. triandra |
Salix L. |
S. triandra L., Sp. PL 1016 (1753). Syn: S. amygdalina L., loc. cit. (1753); S. medwedewii Dode in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 55:652 (1908); S. armena Schisch-kin in Izv. Tomsk Univ. 81:436 (1929)! Shrub, rarely small tree, to 6 m tall. Bark smooth, peeling off in thin patches. Twigs thin and flexible, glabrous or velutinous-pubescent, olive- or reddish-brown, rather fragile. Buds ovoid, brown, glabrous or hairy. Leaves oblong-ovate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong-lanceolate, usually 3-7 x as long as broad, 5-10 cm, acute or shortly acuminate, serrate, glabrous or finely velutinous-pubescent, dark-green above, pale green or glaucous beneath; petiole 6-15 mm, with 2-3 small subapical glands. Catkins appearing with leaves, on short leafy stalks, elongate-cylindrical; male 4-8 cm, slender, stamens 3, filaments hairy at base; female shorter and denser, flowers with 1 nectary, ovary ovoid-conical, glabrous; capsule 5-6 x 2-2.5 mm, fruiting pedi-cels 3-4 x as long as nectary. Style very short or lacking. Fl. 5-6. Usually in marshes, sometimes by streams or on river banks, 100-1950 m. 1. Shoots weakly pubescent, glabrescent; leaves ± narrowly lanceolate-elliptic, glabrous - subsp. triandra 1. Shoots usually densely short-hairy, at least when young; leaves broadly oblong-lanceolate to ovate-elliptic, ± densely velutinous subsp. bornmuelleri subsp. triandra. Ic: Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 11: t. 605 (1849); Polunin, Trees & Bushes of Europe 33, f. a (1976). Figure 21. Described from Switzerland and Siberia (Hb. Linn. 1158/4!). Scattered in Inner & adjacent S. Anatolia. A9 Kars: Yalnizçam, 1900 m, D. 29651! B1 Izmir: Yeşildere, 30 m, G. & M. Fischer 5! B4 Ankara: Mecidiye, 18 vi 1908, Frères E.C.! B8 Muş: 17 km S. of Varto, 1400 m, Ehrend. et al. 787-83-5! B10 Kars: 8-12 km E. of Iğdir D.Ü.Ç., 800 m, D. 43848a! C5 Içel: Bolkar Da., 1200 m, Kotschy 254e! C10 Hakkari: Yüksekova, 1950 m, Duncan & Tait! Europe (except extreme N.), W. Asia from Caucasia to W. Siberia, Iran and Afghanistan. Euro-Sib. element. |